Appium tutorial mac
Appium tutorial mac

Testing a native android application (Installed from.A passion to learn how to run UI automation test on your iOS project. Xcode 9.4.1 or later installed on your macOS.

appium tutorial mac

  • Testing older Android apps using Selendroid in Appium To follow this tutorial, you should equip yourself with the following: Some basic knowledge in iOS Programming in Swift.
  • Android Web apps – Testing a website on real android phone (Samsung), Performing Touch actions using TouchActions.
  • Inspecting elements – Inspecting the elements in native Android App, Inspecting the elements in hybrid and web Android apps, Element Identification methods.
  • Capabilities for Android Automation – Capabilities for Android application, How to get device name, version and app details, Getting the main activity of Android App.
  • Appium Server – Working with Appium Server, Appium server arguments.
  • Android Environment set up – Installation of Android SDK, Installation and configuration of Appium and Android tools , Registering your mobile phone with Android device manager , Understanding the Android SDK tools like adb, Monitor, UIAutomator, Popular adb commands.
  • appium tutorial mac

    Android Concepts – Types of android applications, Android basics (Developer options, Version, Debugging mode).We will cover below topics in this tutorial. In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to automate applications on android devices like Samsung mobile phones using Appium.

    Appium tutorial mac